Published Articles:
“Who Knows How to Govern? Procedural Knowledge in India’s Small Town Councils.” (with Shikhar Singh and Adam Auerbach). 2024. American Political Science Review.
Featured in: World Resource Institute’s City Fix Blog, and APSA’s Political Science Now Blog.
“Rethinking India and the Study of Electoral Politics in the Developing World.” (with Adam Auerbach, Jennifer Bussell, Simon Chauchard, Francesca Jensenius, Gareth Nellis, Mark Schneider, Neelanjan Sircar, Pavithra Suryanarayan, Milan Vaishnav, Rahul Verma, Adam Ziegfeld). 2022. Perspectives on Politics. 20(1): 250-264.
“How Does Covid-19 Affect Urban Slums? Evidence from Settlement Leaders in India.” (with Adam Auerbach). 2021. World Development. 140 (April).
Featured in: Hindustan Times. Governance Uncovered podcast.
“Does Police Repression Unite or Divide Poor Migrants? Evidence from Urban Indian Marketplaces.” 2020. Journal of Politics, 82, 4 (October): 1474-1489.
Featured in ThePrint.
“Cultivating Clients: Reputation, Responsiveness, and Ethnic Indifference in India’s Slums.” (with Adam Auerbach). 2020. American Journal of Political Science, 64, 3: 471-487.
2020 AJPS Best Article Award for best article published in the journal in a calendar year, MPSA.
2021 Political Ties Award for best paper on political networks published in the past year, Political Networks Section, APSA.
Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award, Comparative Democratization Section, APSA.
Featured in India in Transition, Hindu Business Line.
"How Clients Select Brokers: Competition and Choice in India's Slums." (with Adam Auerbach). 2018. American Political Science Review, 112, 4 (November): 775-791.
2018 Heinz I. Eulau Prize for best article published in the APSR in a calendar year, APSA.
Featured in Livemint, India in Transition, Ideas4India, and Economic Times.
Listen to this Not Another Politics podcast conversation on the article.
"Improving Surveys Through Ethnography: Insights from India's Urban Periphery." 2018. Studies in Comparative International Development, 53, 3 (September): 281-299.
“The Strategic and Moral Imperatives of Local Engagement: Reflections on India." (with Milan Vaishnav). 2018. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51, 3 (July): 546-549.
"Do Rural Migrants Divide Ethnically in the City? Evidence from an Ethnographic Experiment in India." 2017. American Journal of Political Science, 61, 4 (October): 908-926.
Featured in Livemint.
"Ethnic Parties and Public Spending: New Theory in Evidence from the Indian States" (with Emmanuel Teitelbaum). 2015. Comparative Political Studies, 48, 11 (September): 1389-1420.
“Elite Parties and Poor Voters: Theory and Evidence from India.” 2014. American Political Science Review, 108, (May): 454-477. Online supplement.
“Embedded Mobilization: Nonstate Service Provision as Electoral Strategy in India.” 2011. World Politics, 63 (July): 434-469.
Featured in the Wall Street Journal’s India Real Time blog and Business Standard.
“Neoliberalism’s Two Faces in Asia: Globalization, Educational Policies, and Religious Schooling in India, Pakistan and Malaysia.” 2009. Comparative Politics, 41 (July): 473-494.
“Poor Choices: Dealignment, Development and Dalit/Adivasi voting patterns in Indian states” (with Ronald Herring). 2008. Contemporary South Asia, 16 (December): 441-64.
In Progress
“Why Citizens Don't Hold Politicians Accountable For Air Pollution?” (with Shikhar Singh).
“Municipal Underspending and the Social Contract in India’s Small Towns” (with Adam Auerbach and Shikhar Singh).
“The Impact of Seasonal Migration on Political Beliefs and Social Norms.” (with Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Maira Emy Reimao, and Ashish Shenoy).